Last news September 2009

June 2008
Press release from Yang Lining
Born in Peking (Beijing) in 1960, Yang Lining began music at the age of 9, and Gu Qin cithara at the age of 14. She studied Gu Qin with the greatest masters of this noble instrument. She was awarded as a “Master” by the Central Conservatory of Music of Peking in 2007, the highest distinction for a classic Chinese musician.
Yang Lining starts very early her career of soloist, first in China, then in Japan , finally in Europe , where she moves to Paris in 1987.
She performed many concerts and recordings until the year 2000, when she decided to look at other activities. As she is a tea expert, she decided to open her own tea room in Paris.
The deteriorated former reception rooms of an 18 th century mansion, « Hôtel Mazin-La Fayette », located 8 rue d'Anjou, were chosen in connection with the historical background of the place (last residence of General La Fayette) and in connection too with the perfect location in the luxury and business district faubourg Saint-Honoré.
The first two rooms, entirely restored, opened in 2001. A restored room opened each year until 2005, then the “1728” took the final appearance we know today: a 450 square meters gastronomic restaurant, gallery and tea room dedicated to 17 th to 19 th century fine arts and Chinese archaeology too (Mrs Yang Lining is an antiques collector).
While she still was a child, Yang Lining lived the end of the “red years” of the Chinese Cultural Revolution; she still remains scandalized by the major destructions and burnings of historical and antiques music instruments and scores. This painful memory stimulated her wish to communicate Chinese culture and classic music to the next generation. In this direction, she has created her own holding and she controls now 100% of the capital. She has been recently nominated C.E.O. of the trust company of the 1728.
In the year 2007, the 1728 realized a 2.2 M€ turnover excluding VAT, and served a little bit more than 30,000 meals (for lunch and dinner). Privatization programmes also provided a 460,000 € turnover excluding VAT for the year 2007.
Yang Lining still works on the project of an institute which purpose will be a bridge between 18 th century French fine arts she loves, and Chinese classic fine arts (Song and Ming periods are her favourites). Her main concert instrument is a 700 years old cithara of the Ming era. This project should appear within three years.
------------------ Yang Lining biography
Li Xianting, the great Qin Master, professor at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, came in Paris for an exceptional concert from April 16th to April 20th. For this occasion, he officially presented a Letter of Appointment from the China Nationalities Orchestra Society to Yang Lining. This prestigious award confers YANG Lining the status of Master of Gu Qin.
Yang Lining belongs now to the very select 'club' of Masters of this uninterrupted art which symbolizes Chinese culture for 3000 years.

Yang Lining with her Professor LiI Xianting in Paris on April 2007.

Yang Lining is a qin master touring in France. Since nine years old, she started learning qin from various qin masters including Wu Jinghue, Li Xiangting, and Wu Wenguang. She is also a master in Ruan and Guzheng.
Yang has been invited several times to perform in Hong Kong and Japan.
After graduated from the Central Musical College in Beijing in 1987, she went to France and started her career there, touring and performing in art festivals, radio and television stations. In addition, she also performed in the art festivals of Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands, Morroco, etc.
In 1999, her last album China Roots was presented with the Golden Fork award by the French authoritative musical magazine 'Diapason'. During the same year, her Qin performance in one of the concert aroused the interests of the President Jacques Chirac (clic here to see the letter). He wrote to her personally to praise the beautiful Chinese ancient music.
This concert was given on Décember 9th 2000 in Paris with Yang Lining and Iwamoto Yoshikazu, the famous Japanese shakuhachi Master. Yang Lining composed, translated and performed in the movie 'La Fable des continents'.
Projetcs: Three Variations on Plum Blossom is a very important stage for Yang Lining, as she is passionate about the melting of chinese and occidental musics.
As an interpreter, Yang Lining wish to bring her talents for a future movie dealing with the ancient China.